Regulatory Information

© Dominion Fiduciary Services Limited 2021.

Dominion Fiduciary Services Limited and its affiliates are regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.

Dominion Fiduciary Services (Malta) Limited is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

Dominion Fiduciary Services (Switzerland) SA is self-regulated by OAR-G.

Dominion Fiduciary Services UK Limited is registered by HMRC for Money Laundering Regulations.


Dominion Fiduciary Services (Malta) LTD

SFDR website disclosures

Article 3 SFDR

“Dominion Fiduciary Services (Malta) Limited (“Dominion”) has adopted an environmental, social and governance policy (“ESG Policy”) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”).

As set out in the ESG Policy, Dominion does not currently assess sustainability factors (as defined in the SFDR) with a view to determining whether these may have any ramifications on its investment decision-making process. Nor does the Company assess sustainability factors in the context of determining whether these may have a material impact on the long-term financial performance of a particular investment or investments.

The reason behind the stance taken by the Company is that the Personal Retirement Schemes are member directed, and therefore, the member (or his/her appointed investment manager or advisor) makes directions to the Company as to the investments to be entered into by his/her respective pension assets. The Company can only refuse to give effect to the member’s recommendations in very limited circumstances, such as when the choices made run counter to the Pension Rules for Personal Retirement Schemes (originally issued by the MFSA on the 28 December 2018).

For the reasons mentioned above, the Company does not consider the integration of sustainability risks into its investment decision-making process as being relevant to its offering of the Personal Retirement Schemes. The Company, however, acknowledges that specific disclosures emanating from the SFDR may need to be made by the appointed investment advisor and/or manager as a financial market participant or financial advisor (as applicable) in accordance with the SFDR”.

Article 4 SFDR

“As a Financial Market Participant in the context of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”), Dominion Fiduciary Services (Malta) Limited (“Dominion”, the “Company”) hereby informs its clients that it does not consider the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. The reasons behind the Company’s decision principally revolve around the fact that the licensed personal retirement schemes which it administers are member directed, and therefore, the member (or his/her appointed investment manager or advisor) makes directions to the Company as to the investments to be entered into by his/her respective pension assets. The Company can only refuse to give effect to the member’s directions in very limited circumstances, such as when the choices made run counter to the Pension Rules for Personal Retirement Schemes (originally issued by the MFSA on the 28 December 2018). As a result, the Company is not in a position to undertake an assessment of the PAIs of its investment decisions on sustainability factors.”